An Act to Establish the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria (CIPMN) with the responsibility for registration and Discipline of its members and for other related matters.  Such Statutory functions otherwise known as our mandate include, but not limited to the following:


By Section 1 of the Establishment Act, the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria is statutorily empowered to-

  • Determine and review from time to time, the academic standards, knowledge and skills that shall be attained by persons seeking to qualify as REGISTERED members of the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria.
  • Ensure that its members maintain a reputable and high standard behavior expected of any professional Project Management or RELATED MANAGEMENT function in Nigeria and abroad.
  • Train, educate and examine persons desiring to become professional Project Managers or consultants whether in Nigeria or abroad.
  • Regulate the discipline and professional conduct of its members.
  • Promote and project the welfare of its members both in Nigeria and abroad.
  • Arrange conferences, seminars, symposium and meetings for discussion of supplies and other related matters, reading of papers and delivery of lectures, publishing copies as a member of the Institute, qualified by examination or approved award.


Moreover, Section 21(1d) reads “prescribe '' THE FORM OF LICENSE TO PRACTICE'' to be issued annually or if the Council deems fit, by endorsement of an existing license for its members”.

Section 21(1e) reads “restrict the right to practice as a Chartered member of the profession…. abridgement of papers, books, lectures, records and other memorandum instilling high standard of professional ability and knowledge by means of periodic issue of journals, etc.

  • Perform such other functions as are incidental to the object or as council may deem necessary for the attainment of all or any of these objects.

In a similar vein, Section 2 of the Establishment Act empowers the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria to have a PERPETUAL SUCCESSION and COMMON SEAL in its custody.

  • Furthermore, Section 14(8) of the Establishment Act reads “The Project Management Professionals from ABROAD who RESIDES in Nigeria and WISH to PRACTICE SHALL within 12 months after the COMMENCEMENT of this Act, SEEK REGISTRATION with the Institute to become a member.
  • Section 14(9) reads “A person shall not be entitled to be to be APPOINTED or ENGAGED to HEAD ANY PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF ANY ORGANIZATION UNLESS HE/SHE IS DULY REGISTERED.
  • Section 21(1f) reads “restricting the RIGHT TO PRACTICE as a member of the profession if the qualification granted OUTSIDE NIGERIA DOES NOT entitle the holder to be completed before he/she qualifies for a license to practice as a member.


Section 21(1g) reads “Prescribing the period of practical training in the office of a Chartered member of the profession in practice to be completed before a person qualifies for a license to practice as a member of the profession.